Quick Chat
The QuickChat Plug-in provides pop-up banners when receiving a chat message from a TAK user. Users can be added or deleted from the QuickChat...
The TAK Chat plug-in for ATAK and WinTAK is used to chat securely with other systems via XMPP. Since XMPP is a standard, this plug-in can chat with other applications and platforms, including non TAK products. Primary features currently include:
The QuickChat Plug-in provides pop-up banners when receiving a chat message from a TAK user. Users can be added or deleted from the QuickChat...
The ATAK WAVE plug-in provides secure Voice over IP (VoIP) using Motorola WAVE technology. This plug-in allows ATAK users to communicate via WAVE...
ATAK/WinTAK plugin Point Mensuration Tool (PMT) guides the user through a workflow to extract mensurated coordinates from precision imagery...