We handle the technology, you stay mission focused.

PAR Government has proudly been developing for the TAK Community since it's start in 2010. Learn about plugins we develop and reach out if you are interested in PAR Government developing a plugin for you. 

Ninja icon - shows a masked face with only eyes showing.


This plug-in communicates with the NINJA UAV detection system. Given the location of the NINJA server on the network, this plug-in will show the...

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Jump Master icon - shape of a parachute.

Jump Master

This plug-in contains 2 main components: Planning – Assist a user in planning a jump to a selected Desired Impact Point (DIP aka Drop Zone) taking in...

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Intercept Icon - a arched arrow leading to a circle. There are x shapes on either side of the arrow not being point to.


The Intercept plug-in allows the user to designate a moving target (TGT) on the map and calculate a route from their current location to the target...

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Heads Up Display (HUD) icon - Eyeball.


The Heads Up Display (HUD) plug-in is used to connect ATAK to HUD devices. The plug-in allows the user to set filters to specify what data should be...

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GvLF Streamer icon - mountain shape

GvLF Streamer

The DTED Streamer provides an interface for downloading compressed DTED data from a TAK server with GvLF installed.

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GRG Builder

The GRG Builder is a tool for creating GRG (KMZ) files using a snapshot of the ATAK map view, map items, and optional overlays such as snapshot...

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GeoTakCam - a icon of a camera with a map marker in the lens.


Tak GeoCam is a camera plug-in used to capture images with geospatial metadata. This currently exists as both a separate app and an ATAK plug-in....

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DSM Manager icon - shape of a tower.

DSM Manager

Allows integration of user generated elevation products such as Pix4D elevation geotiff and shows coverage.

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Collaborative Mission Planning (CMP)

COLLABORATIVE MISSION PLANNER (CMP) automates part of the MDMP process, and uses TAK Server to synchronously update data when multiple users are...

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AO Update icon. A map marker with a check in the center.

AO Update

AO Update is a simple to follow form template to be used by JTACs or FAC (A) when providing situation updates to arriving aircraft. The plug-in...

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Air Overlays

Air Overlays is a ATAK plug-in used to display map objects built upon the dafif database. They include, but are not limited to: Airports (Civilian...

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ADS-B Direct ATAK Plugin Icon

ADS-B Direct

The ATAK ADS-B Direct Plugin interfaces with a valid Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS-B) Provider’s API Key to pull in ADS-B traffic...

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Android Team Awareness Kit (ATAK) was originally created by the US DoD for military applications over a decade ago. Now a Civilian version is available for use by first responders and other agencies for free. Download it now from the play store or learn more about its history at TAK.gov.


WinTAK-CIV for Windows has a feature set similar to ATAK-CIV. Developed to run on Windows PCs and Windows Surface devices, the WinTAK user experience is consistent with Microsoft applications. it maintains the look and feel of ATAK and works seamlessly with the Sit(x) TAK Server. Download the latest approved version of WinTAK, at TAK.gov (requires account registration).